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Here is the information about my research.


About me

Moena Hashimoto (橋本 萌那)

I am a Ph.D. student at Institute of Science, Tokyo, Japan. My research focuses on data science applications in marketing, specifically in promoting meat alternatives. By leveraging data analytics and marketing insights, I aim to develop strategies that encourage consumers to adopt alternative protein sources.

Currently, I am working on utilizing data-driven approaches to make meat alternatives more popular. Increasing meat consumption has significant impacts on health, the environment, and animal welfare. Through analyzing market trends and consumer behaviors, I seek to identify effective ways to appeal to different audiences. Understanding both marketing principles and data science allows me to bridge the gap between consumer needs and sustainable products.


Journal Papers and Proceedings

[1] Moena Hashimoto, Yotaro Takazawa, Kazutoshi Sasahara. "Are Meat Alternatives a Moral Concern? A Comparison of English and Japanese Tweets." Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11, 1280 (2024). (article)

International conferences (peer-reviewed)

[1] Moena Hashimoto, Yotaro Takazawa, Kazutoshi Sasahara. "Does Morality Facilitate the Purchase of Meat Alternatives?" 9th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), Copenhagen,  July 2023 (Poster)

[2] Moena Hashimoto, Yotaro Takazawa, Kazutoshi Sasahara. "How Has Food Become a Moral Concern? A Case Study of Meat Alternatives on Twitter." 8th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), Chicago,  July 2022 (Oral)

Domestic conferences (non-peer-reviewed)

[1] ⾼野了太, 上島淳史, 松井暉, 橋本萌那. "⾃然⾔語と社会⼼理学 (ワークショップ)" 2024年度 社会心理学会(第65回), September 2024 (Oral)

[2] 橋本萌那, 高澤陽太朗, 笹原和俊. "道徳は代替肉の消費意欲を高めるか? オンライン調査による検討" 2023年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第37回), June 2023 (Oral)

[3] 橋本萌那, 高澤陽太朗, 笹原和俊. "道徳は代替肉の消費意欲を高めるか?" The 2nd Conference of Computational Social Science of Japan (CSSJ2023), February 2023 (Oral)

[4] 橋本萌那, 高澤陽太朗, 笹原和俊. "代替肉ツイートの変遷にみる「食」の道徳化." The 1st Conference of Computational Social Science of Japan (CSSJ2022), March 2022 (Oral)

[5] 赤澤祥貴, 橋本萌那, 加藤周, 五十嵐祐, 笹原和俊. "オープンな360度評価は従業員パフォーマンスを予測するか?" The 1st Conference of Computational Social Science of Japan (CSSJ2022), March 2022 (Oral)

[6] 加藤周, 橋本萌那, 五十嵐祐, 笹原和俊. "フェイクニュースの共有を促す言語的特徴に関する実験的検討." The 1st Conference of Computational Social Science of Japan (CSSJ2022), March 2022 (Oral)

[7] 橋本萌那, 高澤陽太朗, 笹原和俊. "Twitterデータ分析から見えた消費者の食に関する価値観の変化." Marketing Conference 2021, October 2021 (Poster)

Other (lectures, etc.)



✉ hashimoto.m.0fb3[at]m.isct.ac.jp
